Sunday, October 31, 2010

Civic News From Itamar

Sunset On The Mountains Of Itamar
Mazal Tov to Rabbi Goldsmith upon his
re-election as mayor of Itamar.

Mazal Tov to David Shushan, Matanyah Ben Shitrit, Shmuel Raykanati, and Nissin Aydan on their election as council members.

With the many great challenges that face Israel today we bless them that Hashem give them the wisdom and strength to lead the community of Itamar to new horizons and great prosperity.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Beautiful Stone Ark for a Hilltop Shul

Itamar's resident and stone artisan, Asaf Kidron,  build this beautiful stone Torah ark for a little shul on Itamar's hilltop - Givot Olam. 

Asaf has also built the ark in Itamar's Yeshiva High School Chitzim.  He has also used his gifting to build an altar for the Tempe Institute in Jerusalem

Exodus 35:1 - 36:2

Itamar Celebrates New and Growing Families

Mazal Tov to the Ronski family upon the marriage of their son Oded. May they continue to celebrate many more Smachot!

Mazal Tov to Achinoam and Shlomi Cohen on the Brit Milah of their son. Another third generation Itamar resident joins our community!

Mazal Tov to the Teneh family on the birth of son . It is their first child and we wish them a lot of happiness and success as their young family grows.

New Homes in Itamar

Mazal Tov to Ariyeh and Nichamah Goldberger and Ariel and Efrat Raykinati for making the right choice of building a permanent home on Itamar. We wish them a lot of success in their important project.

Thank G-D over the last year 23 new houses have been built in our community. With G-d's help many more will be on the way.

Once again, the children of Israel put down their roots in the Land promised to them.